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Posts : 49
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Join date : 2009-12-13
Age : 32
Location : NISH

NISHgaming--> Empty
PostSubject: NISHgaming-->   NISHgaming--> Icon_minitimeSun Dec 13, 2009 12:59 pm

NISHgaming--> Nishga10

*Igraci klana NISHgaming:
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8agaaa!! ------------- MSN: aga_canoe@hotmail.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8FEEL D RUSH?! ----- MSN: djole39@hotmail.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8PECA ---------------- MSN: griffithya@yahoo.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8TERMINATOR ------- MSN: gajicsladjan2009@hotmail.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8MILEEEEEEEE -------- MSN: iron_nish@msn.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8zEr0* ---------------- MSN: milossb@hotmail.com
-NISHgaming--> Srkq8DZO ----------------- MSN: djole89_stp@hotmail.com

*Kontakt (LEADER) : aga_canoe@hotmail.com | agaaa!!
*Kontakt (coLEADER) : djole39@hotmail.com | djolee!!
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